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I guess as a parent, one who has legitimate diagnoses, and has two kids with diagnoses, I'm falling in between some of those examples. I'm definitely a helicopter parent because I've had to be. My moderately autistic 10 year old is still developmentally close to 6 in most regards. However, my kids get told no every damn day. 🤷‍♀️ I guess they will be traumatized because I fricking go off. Then, because as I'm constantly told by developmental peds, pediatrician, and psychiatry, there is no real "manual" for a child like mine, I have to give my 10 year old ice cream and have his dad help talk to him about an upcoming surgery. Are we trying to prevent a meltdown? Yes. Because he already has medical anxiety from having a gtube and procedures. Am I trying not to raise little conceited assholes? Also yes. (Someone undoubtedly has a problem with me using the word assholes in correlation to my kids with disabilities. Well tough luck. I'm generalizing, and adhd/autistic kids can be assholes too)

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