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So you too want to physically shake people, and get side eyed because people expect your views to be one way, but they aren't? 😆 I'm annoyed daily by people and that's why I interact via a screen. The "you do you, but I don't have to" doesn't seem to be a principal many understand. It's like with the influencer Elyse Meyers. I don't get it, I don't really care, and I live 30 mins from her and don't dream of running into her in a store. All of her videos underlying tone is about her anxiety, adhd, or "neurodivergent awkwardness." But if you tell the cult followers, then you're a "hater," ableist, or just don't understand. Nevermind the fact that I have the same dx and more, all verified and not self diagnosed, I'm an army wife with more stress than my brain can handle, and both of my kids have disabilities. I just want to go back to "good fences, make good neighbors" or move to 5 acres. (OH and the draft probably coming and I can't wait to see the videos because retention is so low.)

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