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This chronic activism has made it where they want to argue with you about your own diagnosis, or your child's. My teen was dx with anxiety at a young age, because it goes hand in hand with arfid. He's been on meds, in therapy, sees specialists and is being recommended for in home services 2 hours a week. We have to interrupt his panic stricken catastrophizing with things like "you're fine. It's just a muscle spasm. Go lay down or do something else." It interrupts his day. His rating scales remain the same. It's present at school, at home, at therapy etc. But these internet activists talk about anxiety in the form of "I couldn't find a parking spot." My son picked at his nails (receptive behavior) until he got a cuticle infection, and then freaked out for days over having to slowly drain it and is it still infected and is my finger okay, and still tries to mess with his nails. 🤦‍♀️ We are going to have to start exposure therapy during feeding therapy so he can get SHOTS AND BLOOD DRAWS. The line between an actual disabling condition and internet symptoms are so far apart it makes me angry. Sorry for the rant.

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