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I remember a while back, you wrote that (and forgive me if I miss any details, I am paraphrasing here) when encountering an person's argument that you are diametrically opposed to, it's most beneficial to approach it as stoically as possible, as this would allow for actually being able to parse apart the actual logic of the argument rather than just responding on a purely emotional level. This is something that really resonated with me, and a strategy that I try to bring into conversations with individuals whose viewpoints I disagree.

Mark Manson said recently (when discussing one of his own comments that was publicly derided) that social media/online life optimizes for pithiness. I think if there were a greater drive to actually engage with people who make statements that you disagree with, rather than just arguing off of your own emotional biases, conjecture would be a lot more productive, regardless of how "polarized" two folks might be on a given issue.

I really enjoyed this post - keep the content coming and don't let the haters get you down!

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