honestly unorthodox.
Honestly Unorthodox
Have Mental Health Services Ever Been Good?

Have Mental Health Services Ever Been Good?

We've come a long way since the lobotomy... so why are we so miserable?

Man do I miss podcasting!

Today’s episode reviews the following:

  1. Have services for mental illnesses ever been “good”? What does the ideal service model even look like?

  2. If we have access to endless therapies and psychotropics in individualized, wealthy countries like America… why are we the most miserable, clinically?

  3. What might your version of “good” mental health services look like, and why can’t we seem to get there?

Then we shifted into a topic I’ve been asked to discuss multiple times: being more comfortable being blunt in the workplace. I lay out 8 steps that I believe put a person in a good place to begin practicing.

Enjoy, and as always— would love to hear your thoughts.