honestly unorthodox.
Honestly Unorthodox
Are Internet Friends Actual Friends? Why Does Anyone Want To Be A Teacher? Has Texting Made Us Awkward Conversationalists? PODCAST

Are Internet Friends Actual Friends? Why Does Anyone Want To Be A Teacher? Has Texting Made Us Awkward Conversationalists? PODCAST

Dylan and I have made it our mission:

  1. On Tuesdays, we don’t complain. (If you haven’t read Tuesday’s with Morrie, it is an absolutely stellar, insightful, and feel-good read.)

  2. We want to increase conversation. Face to face. Please email either or both of us should you hear something you find interesting and want to indulge us with your thoughts!!!!

theangrybehavioranalyst@gmail.com or dylanh72@gmail.com

honestly unorthodox.
Honestly Unorthodox
snarky impartiality